Thursday, January 21, 2010

Herpes Image Is It Really True That Rihanna Gave Chris Brown Herpes Cause I Typed In Images Of Riahnna Herpes I Found Pics?

Is it really true that Rihanna gave Chris brown herpes cause i typed in images of riahnna herpes i found pics? - herpes image

Is it because I really think that Chris Brown to strike the right or to think a bit. But she said she had herpes before. All of this really happened. So, in my opinion, I think a lot of mistakes Rihanna rather see the race went Rihanna Chris Brown's career, because (almost all) I like Chris Brown is very elegant!


Erica M said...

I think people say, Rihanna has herpes. If so, then it is somewhere in between. If he sex with her, he should use protection. I think people should until 5 Wait for March when Chris Brown go to court for all, whether it was made, why they were not selected, etc. I mean, people throw things in just to prove that they can be distorted in favor.

E L said...

I heard he passed LeBouf Shea (actor) and Chris Brown. But I've also heard that he got from Jay Z. I like both artists. The two pop stars are lovable. I get angry too if someone has herpes and I do not tell me! Check out this article

Freaksho... said...

WTF? Where the hell you get that? I've heard, but nobody said it was true. These are just rumors and gossip BS! The only thing she suggested, but certainly not the cold !!!!! Besides, who cares? Chris Brown can go to hell for all I care. I'm glad he was caught and sent to prison. Unfortunately, it was actually released after posting bail. BS.

Randy J said...

All I want to know is when is Chris Brown and Bobby Brown hit and do a duet. You can do the remediation, because you know that Chris will be responsible for their problems on someone or something else.

I'm Ecstatic!! said...

Yes! The B **** gave her herpes. ...

PS Check out this pic. It takes 30 minutes before the incident. You are already on the Lamborghini. Chris is already boring. ...

I'm Ecstatic!! said...

Yes! The B **** gave her herpes. ...

PS Check out this pic. It takes 30 minutes before the incident. You are already on the Lamborghini. Chris is already boring. ...

Kristen Marie said...

lol he did not really herpes. only a rumor that people were created to the fact that excuse a woman crowned with success.

Heres a website for further information visit: ...

Dantaya M said...

I think people just say something about the value of the cold shock. Besides, who really knows if he did it. And in the end nothing. He should find the 4 full years.

Jessi dear said...

Where in the hell did not here that Rihanna has herpes all the herds that was hit Chris Brown on anything Herpes

Melons said...

Even if it does not (which is very unlikely), there is no excuse for hitting a girl. Celebrity or not. Provoked or not. No excuse.

it's_lov... said...

No offense, but the sound or stupid as Chris Brown.
I hope he goes to jail ... or do not hit women ... Perhaps the idiot who used a condom

chris hawkins said...

IDC, if a man beats a woman that is bad

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