Friday, January 22, 2010

Hgv Licence How Do I Go About Getting A HGV Licence?

How do i go about getting a HGV licence? - hgv licence

I come from a standard car license, now I have to start from the bottom (as they say)


Good Mop Boy said...

Vist the site license for heavy vehicles.

bishboot... said...

Hello, you go through the post an application form and e-mail with a certificate from your doctor request (the shop around the doc, you will see everything and the price varies a lot) to seek permission to re-election to connect a appropriate training studies and it is all for you to sort test the knowledge, etc (at a particular doctor may be connected to first ask them cheaper, my £ 20) cost only passed my test, Cost Me £ 600 in all, there there are many jobs in progress, as most of the employment agency pays well, I work from 7.30am to 5.30pm and 4.30-break chance, but good.

ps to go there just for the education of the school from the ground up and that will help you and explain everything, do not worry.

bikerwoo... said...

Check out this tell you everything!

My test had passed some time ago ... warns of the work requires long hours and days as possible away from home. Is so close, and you'll have plenty of time to think for themselves, etc.

Truck driving can be very stressful not imagine the people that you really need a union or the entire roundabout to navigate safely, most people think you need the same space that a car and drive therefore be prepared to be cut, retirement had his nose cut into the ramp, so that every day! (most people do not know their rights, not in this country! So, if you are unsure do not come from the roadmap REP ****!)

Anyway mate, have a read on the page and have a good sense of time, take the time to purchase licenses, and all end at a cost of over £ 4500 ISH ..... be prepared, not all tests on several occasions .. which are very strict!

JR said...

My employer has me in my free, because the shortage of truck drivers in the country. The government has to pay a lot of plans, not mentioning it! Go ahead and not back, I have more than tripled my income and above its importance as one of their own business and do not care hours. While you can just spend time, Eye Candy, ha, ha ........ Ask your employer to do to you!

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