Thursday, February 18, 2010

Congratulatory Words Is No One Better Than You?

Is no one better than you? - congratulatory words

There are many beautiful people here
Share Sotres and crossing cards and
There are many questions to answer:
And the songs metaphysical astronomical
All words in print
They seem to be as magical mystical
Folk dance and it is estimated that
Nobody better than you

There are no kings in distant cities
That is to govern their people and make them happy and
We will not forget all the good wishes servisory
Even animals know
Something's brewing and everyone is cooing
Because in the end I would say
Nobody better than you

I hope you're happy now that I am the truth to light
I even wrote this song that you like
And do not
Ad not for me ...

Please do not laugh and applaud now
This is serious I'm delirious
I waited patiently until you know
Who was this program
Because we all know that these facts
Nothing to hide nothing to be too abstract
End of this song, what I say
Nobody --


pilgarli... said...

Many of the decisions on this pilgarlic.

Icarus said...

Standing ovation *
I love it!

Rebel Yell said...

Looks like you're in love. Right on brother.

kautolo said...

Everone I think, better than I!

beavis b said...

So what?

monty said...

Wrong, "It` s all about you "Enjoy!

los said...

Nobody nowhere.

country gal said...

wow that's cool. I just went to your other question, what can I do, and told him to read poetry. clear who is good enough in this area. (I know it's a song, but it could be considered a poem lol)

shazm said...

Interesting, but I think I lost the thread of your question! I hope you go to all. 1

Bunny Boiler said...

Uh ...

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