Monday, February 1, 2010

Reading A Mammogram Photos Have You Ever Had A Mammogram? What Was Your Experience Like?

Have you ever had a mammogram? What was your experience like? - reading a mammogram photos

I am studying a technician, mammography, radiation and medical need help with some of my tasks. These tasks are mainly interviews, if you would like a woman who had a mammogram in the past and have a few minutes to answer some or all of these questions appericiated.
Your age? They made a final exam?
Were you nervous? Why?
What has been your overall experience? The negative (cold storage, waiting times, work environment, etc.)? Positive aspects (comfortable, good staff, etc.)?
As we prepare for the exam (you read online in conversation with friends)?
Was it something that the coach makes you feel more comfortable / uncomfortable?
After the test, how did you feel?
Do you feel after reading what you have done differently when you arrived?
Can you offer suggestions on your experience with the next best on?
In general, how would you about mammography?

Thank you for your help.


Reva P said...

I have a mammogram every year. It is a provincial program here.

I am 53 years old and had before my first 4 years.

I was not nervous. And then I'm "really" a man and had never been double-wrapped packages of towels or tampons effort.

My first two were horrible. Was a small room and the machine is not suitable. I have several types of arthritis and no support. My right arm received, in fact, when I was first dating my right shoulder in a bad condition, only on the machine was much worse than the mammogram itself. My last one was very different and I never go anywhere else. It is a center that mammography is limited, with machines that record the amount of the adjustment to each woman. The aisles were wide open, and locker rooms are wheelchair accessible (now) to deal with a walker, and the waiting areas comfortable and happy.

The nurse and the latest technology in the middle made me feel very wellPower, those who do not.

I have done nothing to advance to prepare. Que sera, sera.

After examination, I feel bad for one or two days, of course. How not to be undercut. But after a few years, even in bad rash. Because correct machine is very, very helpful, really recommend the site to other women.

Suggestions - any place that mammography should be like the last one was a. And while I'm on the provincial program, I have no references for mammography. Every year, I received a letter advising me on my appointment date and time, and if I have a conflict, simply arrange the appointment. For a test, which is inconvenient in nature, which is handy because it can be.

This hospital was once a prime location in the list, which I understood.

And I thank you for your interest.

Beni said...

Age: 41

The first mammogram: In the past year

Nervous: not before the departure, I was nervous. But if I recommend a call on my answering machine the next day for further examination, yes, I'm nervous. Tried to call you back, but the clinic was closed for the day. A very nice, the duty nurse at the hospital showed understanding for my fear. She called the radiologist in his house and asked for a callback. I was relieved, but I have a decent sleep, when I talked to the control test. Luckily Surveillance mammography and ultrasound, the mass showed only ganglion unruly.

Negatives: The only negative was leaving a message on my answering machine. This message is not described, let my imagination to get the best out of me and scared me more than to know what was going on.

Positive aspects: the technicians were very friendly. Even a little joke. They were fast, professional and well put warm compresses on the machine to heat up.

Preparation: I am very active on health issues, if they had already talked to my doctor about MAMmogram. I also read online about the process. I felt well informed and knew what to expect.

While there were some nervous moments before reaching the results that the mass had nothing to fear - it was overall a positive experience. Personality technicians the difference! They were warm and friendly and funny. The only thing I recommend you the messages on the answering machine. When a patient hears the message (in particular) on the day of the mammogram, it will think the worst. At least, it began at the end of the day, when the patient returns not in a position to answer the call before the clinic closed. It would have been a night without sleep for a long time, if I do not recall.

I'm going to get a mammogram - are providing important and little (assuming you have a green light)

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